Sunday, June 13, 2010

Week of June 7, 2010

What another exciting week in Kindergarten! The students excitedly participated in Move Up Day, and they had a great time. Ms. Mahoney and Ms. Zargiel are very excited for next year.

We also had our Kindergarten Celebration! Both classes did such a wonderful job with reciting the poem and singing, "You've Got a Friend in Me" by Randy Newman. I couldn't be more proud!

We had really short week because of Move Up day and the Celebration, so we couldn't cover as much as I would have liked. In math, we made Name Collection posters for the numbers six and seven. This activity requires that we list different ways to make a given number using addition/subtraction, drawings, or representations (dominoes, tally marks, popsicle sticks). We also learned about number pairs. For this activity, the students were introduced to function machines. Each function machine has a given rule, for example, plus two. The students put a number into the machine, apply the rule, and determine what number comes out. If the number one was put into the function machine, the rule is plus two, the number pair would be 1, 3.

In writing, we wrote in our journals. We also learned how to write the lowercase n and m.

In phonics and word study, we learned that you can hear the parts of words. For example, you can hear the /t/ and /ake/ in take. We played a game called, "Follow the Path," which a copy of the game board was sent home on Wednesday evening. The students rolled a die, landed on a picture, said the name of the picture, said its parts, and said its name.

The students also had their workstations.

I wanted to thank everyone again for making the first Kindergarten Celebration such a wonderful event. I will always remember it.

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