Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week of December 13, 2010

We had another busy week, and we learned so much!

  • Math: We learned a new math game called, "Top-It." This is played like the card game, "War." Two cards are flipped, and the person with the largest card keeps both cards. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins. We also worked with Pattern-Block Templates, which are stencils with the shapes: trapezoid, hexagon, circle, triangle, and square. We made patterns on sentence strips with the templates. We also learned about the addition symbol and practiced some basic addition problems with teddy bear counters.
  • Handwriting: We learned the letter Z and reviewed the "Frog Jump Capitals."

  • Phonics and Word Study: We practiced tracing, building, and writing several high frequency words.
  • Reader's and Writer's Workshop: Unfortunately this week these two areas were not covered because we had Officer Norcross come to visit on Thursday. Instead we did extra work with our high frequency words and enjoyed reading several Christmas stories.
  • Social Studies: We had Officer Norcross visit our room to talk about 911, "stranger danger," and what to do if you get lost. We also learned about needs and wants. We read a story that described needs and wants and gave examples. Then we sorted pictures on a T-Chart.

(Our visit with Officer Norcross)

ABC/Word Study Workstation - the students matched letters to pictures that start with the same letter

Writing Workstation - the students wrote letters to Santa Claus

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