Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week of February 1, 2010

It was another busy week in Room 1. The students and I learned a lot of new things!

In math we learned how to add and what the addition symbol looks like. I said several number stories, and the students had to re-create the story using counters. For example, I said, "I had five seashells and found two more, how many seashells do I have?" The students put five counters on the left side of a popsicle stick and two counters on the other side. Then they remove the popsicle stick and count the total number of counters. The students did a remarkable job with this lesson. Also, the students practiced pattern making with pattern blocks. In addition to practicing patterns, the students practiced their shape recognition skills. We also used a new math tool this week, which was a pattern block template. This is a stencil with a variety of shapes (trapezoid, hexagon, rhombus, triangle, circle, and square. The students created designs using these templates.

In reading, we learned about a comprehension strategy, making connections. When making a connection with a given text, you use your schema (background knowledge) to connect with the story and gain a stronger understanding of what is being read. To practice making connections, we read "What Mommies Do Best" and "What Daddies Do Best" by Laura Numeroff. Also, we continued practicing our sight words.

In writing we continued to write in our journals. The students seem to truly enjoy this time in our day. As we write in our journals, we practice creating simple sentences, using letter sounds to spell words, and create pictures to support our writing.

Our phonics lesson for the week focused on using the beginning letter sounds in words to identify what letter the word starts with. We practiced sorting pictures in a pocket chart using the beginning letter sound. After practicing this on Wednesday and Thursday, the students tried a picture sort on their own. The students were very successful with this task.

Pictures of the week's workstations:

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