Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week of February 8, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day! We had a great time celebrating on Friday. I think it is safe to say that we all slept well Friday night after a party filled with games, crafts, and treats. I want to thank all of the parents for bringing in goodies and supplies. The students and I truly appreciate all of your support.

Before we could have our fantastic parties on Friday we had plenty of work to do throughout the week.

In reading, we continue to work on matching words to their initial consonants. The students are really getting good at this skill. We played Initial Sound Bingo. The students truly love playing Bingo! We also practiced our sight words by building the words with magnetic letters in the ABC/Word Study workstation. Also, the students had to find the sight words that I used in the class message each day. The students really like this because they get to use "Handy Hand" (a hand-shaped pointer) to point to the sight word. We also incorporated writing into reading this week by writing about our reading. I read a story to the class and the children had to draw and label a picture detailing a connection they had to the story. These pictures are displayed proudly in our classroom.

In math the students continued practicing their addition skills by playing, "Roll and Record" with two dice. Each child had a chance to roll the dice. We colored in corresponding blocks on our graph paper for each number that was rolled. Also, the students began to practice their subtraction skills this week. I told them number stories, and the students had to remove the correct number of chips to determine what was left. This is a tricky concept for the students, but they did a great job!

"Roll and Record" with two dice

Pictures of workstations:

Finding sight words in a Valentine's Day poem at the Overhead workstation

Playing "Memory" at the Games and Puzzles workstation

Building sight words at the ABC/Word Study workstation

Finding "R" words in our classroom at the Writing workstation

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