Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week of April 19, 2010

I hope everyone has enjoyed the break. I took some time to visit my family and friends with Lilly and Mr. Keane. Needless to say, I've enjoyed the time off and apologize for not posting the blog sooner.

First, I have a housekeeping note. I received most of the report cards, however, I am still waiting on a few. If you could sign the report card and return it as soon as possible, I would greatly appreciate it.

Despite the excitement of the approaching break, the students really worked hard to stay focused and understand the new concepts that we learned.

In math, we practiced making exchanges with coins. Each student had about 20 to 25 pennies, and they had to request an exchange or a trade for a nickel or a dime. After we practiced exchanging coins, we looked at the different combinations we could make with pennies and nickels to have the equivalent of a dime. The students and I worked on counting by 2's. We counted our feet by 2's. In addition, we brainstormed a list of all the things we could count by 2's. Their ideas include eyes, hands, arms, elbows, and knees. We also worked with comparison number stories. To practice this, each student had a mini dry-erase board and a marker. I would tell them a story, and they would have to draw dots to represent the story. For example, I said, "Ana invited six friends to her birthday party. She had seven invitations. Does she have too few or too many invitations? How many extras does she have?"

The students draw six dots first. Then they draw seven dots (making sure to line the seven dots up with the six dots).

Then they cross out the dots to determine if there are any invitation left over, and if so, how many.

In reading, we continue to practice our letter sounds, rhyming words, and our sight words. We learned that readers ask themselves three questions when the come to a word that they don't know. These three questions are: 1) Does this word make sense?, 2) Does this word sound right?, and 3) Does this word look right? These questions can be asked by the reader after they have attempted to determine what the tricky word might be. To model these questions for the students, I read "Frederick" by Leo Lionni. In word study, we continued to practice making new words by changing the first letter of the word. We used the word, "it" as our base word. Other words that we made include: fit, sit, hit, kit, bit, and lit.

In writing we learned how to write a narrative story. I had a story cube with the words: princess, dragon, flower, birthday, castle, and singing. The cube was rolled, and as a class we determined how the word would influence our story. After our stories were complete, the students created an illustration to accompany the story. I am going to type the stories and hang the pictures in the hallway because the students did such a great job! We also practiced writing a lowercase a and a lowercase d.

In science, we cleaned the playground for Earth Day. The students were very excited to help clean-up in support of Earth Day. We also talked about all of the things we can do to help keep the planet clean and healthy.

In social studies, the students completed a T-Chart that categorized items that are needs and wants. The students completed this task individually and demonstrated that they have a strong understanding of needs and wants.


Handwriting workstation

Pocket Chart workstation

Writing workstation

Overhead workstation

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