Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week of May 3, 2010

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day! It is much deserved!

The students had two exciting events take place this week. First, they met Ms. Austin, the art teacher, on Wednesday. They had a great time painting, "Upside Down Flowers,"which prevented them from getting too messy. The students painted their flowers upside down, and when their pictures were complete they turned their papers. The flowers were no longer upside down! Second, the students participated in the used book sale. The students had a great time spending their quarters!

Despite these two exciting events, the students worked very hard in the classroom. We learned several new concepts in math. First, we learned about dividing objects in half, and the students know this means that the two parts must be equal in size. The students are going to continue working with dividing things in half next week. We also played a game called, "Read My Mind," which required the students to guess the attribute block that I was thinking of by asking, "yes or no" questions. The students also practiced skip counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's on the calculators. Lastly, the students learned that you can represent a pattern with symbols. For example, if the pattern was touch your head, clap your hands, touch your head, clap your hands, etc., you could draw the following: l l x l l x...

In reading, we practiced using the three questions that good readers ask themselves when they get stuck on a word: 1) "does this makes sense?" 2) "does this sound right" 3) "does this look right?" We also practiced looking at pictures to help us figure out a tricky word. We practiced this in a whole group with the story, "A Clean House for Mole and Mouse." In guided reading, we also continued to practice our sight words and letter sounds.

In phonics and word study, we continued practicing the concept of changing the first letter of a word to make a new word. To do this we read, "Hop on Pop" by Dr. Seuss. Without showing the pages to the student, I would say the first word on the page, the students would then have to tell me other words that we could spell by changing the first letter of the word. After we brainstormed a list of several words, I would show the pictures to the students and read the rest of the page.

In writing, we wrote in our journals, so we could practice using a capital letter, spacing between our words, and a period at the end of the sentence. The students shared their journal entries with the class at the end of writing. We also made Mother's Day cards. The students worked very hard on these and wanted to make sure the cards were perfect. In handwriting, we learned how to write the lowercase g and u. The language for a lowercase g is as follows: "magic c, up like a helicopter, back down, turn." The language for a lowercase u is as follows: "down, travel, back up."

I have to apologize for not posting any pictures. Our week was so busy that taking pictures slipped my mind. I will try to post more pictures next week to make up for the lack of pictures this week.

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