Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week of October 12, 2010

Despite only having a four day week, the students worked very hard to learn many new things.

Math: We compared our body heights to objects in the classroom to review the concept of taller and shorter. We also played a game, "Finger Count Fun" to practice counting using one-to-one correspondence. Lastly, we discussed the attributes of the following shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle by identifying the number of sides, the number of corners, and if the shape has straight or curvy lines.

(Body Height Comparisons)

Reading/Writing: We made a predictable chart about our favorite color apples. We continue to review the following concepts:
  • one-to-one correspondence with one written word for every spoken word
  • print directionality (top-to-bottom, left-to-right)
  • sentence structure (capital letters start a sentence and punctuation)
Phonics/Word Study: This week's lesson focused on rhyming words. We learned the following song (to the tune of, "If You're Happy and You Know It")
Did you ever see a sheep in a jeep?
Did you ever see a sheep in a jeep?
No, I never, never, never
No, I never, never, never,
No, I never saw a sheep in a jeep.
This words sheep and jeep can be replaced with other rhyming words. For example, we used pig in a wig, bug in a rug, dog in a log, fox in a box, and mouse in a house. To reinforce the concept of rhyming we made a book. The skills learned while making the book also correspond to the skills learned in reading and writing. We also discussed that the picture should match the words on the page.

Handwriting: We learned a song to help us stretch the muscles in our fingers and hands before we start handwriting. We also learned how to write the number 3. We reviewed the letters that we have learned so far because we will be learning how to write a new group of letters next week.

Science: We started learning about the five senses. We are currently focusing on the sense of hearing. We played a game during our class meeting that required one student to listen to a group of three students say, "hello." The student had to correctly guess at least one student that said, "hello." We also completed an activity that required the students to listen to a clue about a noise heard in the kitchen. The students then had to correctly identify the source of the noise and complete a command such as color the object blue, circle the object with a red crayon, or color the object purple.

Math Workstation: "Roll, Count, Corral"
The students had to roll a die to determine how many cows they had to put in their corrals. The first person to corral all 15 of their cows wins.

Poetry Workstation: The students added a new poem to their poetry notebook, titled, "Pumpkin Patch." They also had to illustrate their page with an appropriate picture to match the poem.

Writing Workstation: The students illustrated a book that was titled, "Peek-a-boo Ghost."

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