Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week of October 18, 2010

The students had another exciting week in Kindergarten! This is what we've learned:

  • Math: The students learned about positional words (top, below, between, next to, around, over, and in front of, just to name a few) by completing an obstacle course in the classroom. They also found patterns in our classroom, such as the stripes on the American flag. We played oral counting games. For example, one game required that we all formed a circle on the carpet. A magic number was stated, and each person would say one number. The person that said the magic number had to sit down. This was repeated until one person remained standing. The students also played a coin matching game to help with coin recognition. Lastly, the students completed a number board, which allowed them to practice their counting skills while using one-to-one correspondence.
  • Reading/Writing: We continue to practice our sight words. Also, we made a predictable chart about our favorite foods to further reinforce the skills that the students have been working on for the past several weeks. Next week we will start to implement those skills as the students will begin to do their own writing pieces.
  • Handwriting: The students learned how to write M, H, and 4.

  • Phonics and Word Study: The students practiced their letter identification skills as we played games with the alphabet chart. For example, we sang the ABC song as I pointed to each letter. Also, we said the letters along with the pictures. It sounds like this, "a,a, apple, b, b, bear, etc."
  • Science: we continue to learn about our five senses. We learned a song about the five senses that is sang to the tune of "Farmer in the Dell." We also played games that required the students to use only one sense, such as hearing or touch. One game is called, "Mystery Bag." I put one object in a bag, and the students had to feel the object to guess the item.

Writing workstation: the students are practicing some of their sight words

Handwriting workstation: the students are practicing their first name, last name, and phone numbers

Overhead workstation: the students had to find all of the L's in a fall poem, "Leaves are Falling Down"

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