Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week of November 1, 2010

The students had another busy week learning many new things. We learned:
  • Math: We learned about symmetry by using things in nature (leaf, acorn, butterfly, frog). We categorized a variety of objects by determining if the object had symmetry or did not have symmetry. We also practiced making patterns by creating pattern necklaces with beads. Lastly, we practiced our graphing skills by playing, "Roll and Record." Each student rolled a die, counted the dots, and then we colored in a square on our graph. After each student had a turn, we discussed the following: the number that was rolled the most, the number that was rolled the least, and any numbers that were rolled the same number of times.

  • Reader's Workshop: We learned about different types of characters in stories (people and animals). We read, "Feathers for Lunch" as we practiced identifying characters in stories. We also learned that good readers notice rhyming words. We read, "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe" and identified the rhyming words in the nursery rhyme.
  • Writer's Workshop: We continue to practice writing sentences that relate to a picture. We also learned this week that you can just label a picture. For example, some students drew pictures of their pets. They wrote each pet's name under their pictures.
  • Phonics/Word Study: We practiced matching rhyming words by sorting pictures on a pocket chart.
  • Handwriting: We learned how to write K and L.
  • Social Studies: We started our unit of study on Community Members. The first community member we are learning about is a fire fighter. We read, "Fire Fighters" by Dee Ready and completed a picture sort of safe and unsafe things for children to touch.

Handwriting workstation: the students formed capital letters by rolling big lines, little lines, big curves, and little curves made of playdough

Overhead Workstation: the students had to find the numbers 6, 7, 8, 9 in a number search. Once they were finished this, the students can make images with pattern blocks.

Poetry Workstation: the students had to illustrate a song about pumpkins.

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