Monday, November 15, 2010

Week of November 15, 2010

Despite having a long weekend, the students came back to school this week ready to learn. Boy, did we learn a lot!

  • Math: We played the Monster Squeeze Game. This game allowed the students to focus on the concepts of bigger than and smaller than. The students also learned how to measure objects with a nonstandard unit. We used linking cubes to measure a variety of items, which included a glue stick, a marker, a pencil, and a mini-pencil sharpener. Lastly, the students practiced their addition skills. To do this, I placed a small number of bear counters on the carpet. We counted the bears aloud, then I placed the bears in a box. Then I said, "How many bears do I have if I add _____ bears?" The students determined the number, and a student counted the bears to confirm the answer.
  • Phonics and Word Study: We learned how to listen to the initial sound in a word to determine the letter. We also learned that you can sort words by listening to the initial sound. We sorted pictures into two columns, words that started with m (by focusing on the sound) and words that did not start with the letter m.
  • Reader's Workshop: We learned about the setting of a story. To practice this skill we read, "A Clean House for Mole and Mouse." We also learned that every fiction story has a problem and a solution. To practice this skill we read, "The Little Red Hen."
  • Writer's Workshop: We started stretching the sounds in words, so we can hear the initial sounds and final sounds. We practiced this on Tuesday by drawing pictures of our favorite Thanksgiving foods. We labeled the pictures. On Thursday the students wrote about a topic of their choice and labeled their pictures.
  • Handwriting: We continued to practice the letter U. We also learned the letter V.

  • Social Studies: The students learned about police officers through a nonfiction story that described the tools a police officer uses (radio, hand cuffs, a police dog), how a police officer helps (directing traffic, ticketing people that speed, etc.), and who a police officer helps. We also acted a finger poem out.

Poetry workstation - the students had to illustrate the finger play, "The Five Little Squirrels"

Handwriting workstation - the students had to trace their first name, last name, and their phone numbers

ABC/Word Study workstation - the students had to label Thanksgiving foods with the correct label

Math workstation - the students played math games on

Games and Puzzles workstation - the students had to match pictures that rhyme

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