Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week of March 1, 2010

We finished our first week back from February vacation and worked very hard.

In reading, we talked about the setting of a story. The students had to identify the setting of a story during a read aloud, and did quite well with this activity. Also, we continued to practice our sight words during our class meeting, guided reading, and phonics/word study. During our meeting, the students have to identify sight words that I've used in the daily message. Also, we practiced our sight words during guided reading. I wrote several sight words on a small white board, and the students had to read the written word. For phonics/word study, the students completed an activity called build, check, write. We did this in a whole group setting on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday the students had to try it on their own. They truly did a great job.

The photo of the whiteboard shows a completed "Build, Check, Write" lesson that the class completed together.

The other photos show students completing a "Build, Check, Write" lesson individually.

In math, we worked on sequencing events, making patterns with craft sticks, identifying attributes of shapes, and guessing numbers based on attributes. To practice sequencing events, we talked about the order of events we participate in when we wake up and before we go to bed. The students then drew the sequence of events they do in the correct order. When making patterns with craft sticks, the students received and used their math workbook for the first time. They had to draw and extend the given pattern. To identify the attributes of numbers and shapes, I would give the students clues to help them identify the number or shape. For example, an attribute for the number 24 would be, "it has a two and a four for its digits."

We also started talking about our five senses this week. We read, "Five Senses" by Aliki and played a game of blindfolded beanbag toss. This helped the students realize how much our eyes help us, and how they make it easier to complete certain tasks.

Photographs of workstations:

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