Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week of March 22, 2010

The students were busy bees again this week. We learned a lot of new things!

In math, we practiced measuring with a ruler. The students were allowed to measure anything in our classroom. After we had time to practice our measuring skills, we shared all of the things that were measured. We also learned how to add and subtract using our calculators. This was a challenge for the students because it required a multiple step process along with pushing the correct buttons. Also we played a game called, "The Attribute Spinner Game." This game reinforced finding a specified object according to a certain characteristic.

In reading, we had a two-part focus lesson for Reader's Workshop. We talked about finding a "just right" spot for our independent reading time. In order for a spot to be "just right" it has to be quiet and comfortable. The students had an opportunity to try two different spots in our classroom to decide which spot would be best for them. In addition to Reader's Workshop, we practiced reading skills during guided reading, which include making sure the words we say match the text on the page, sounding out unknown words, and using the picture clues to help us solve unknown words. We also practiced our sight words during Phonics and Word Study by building the words with magnetic letters, checking the word, and writing it. Also, we wrote in our journals and practiced writing the letters J and c in handwriting.

In Science, we started learning about the Scientific Method. The Scientific Method has five components, which include 1) identifying the problem, 2) making a hypothesis, 3) conducting an experiment, 4) observing the experiment, and 5) analyzing the results from our observations. To practice the Scientific Method, we are going to grow green bean plants in our classroom. The students and I worked together to determine what the problem is. The students and I decided our problem would be, "what do plants need to grow?" We hypothesized they need a seed, water, air, sun, and soil. To conduct our experiment we planted the green bean seeds. Now we will observe the seeds as they sprout and conclude by analyzing our observations.


ABC/Word Study: Sight Word Bingo

Writing: "Things I Taste" writing prompt

Math: Practice writing the numeral 5

Art Creation: Making a chick

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