Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week of March 15, 2010

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weekend! Hopefully, the Spring weather will remain.

First, I wanted to update you on the book order. It has been shipped, and the expected arrival date was yesterday (March 20). I am hoping that the books will be at school tomorrow morning. I apologize for the delay. It usually doesn't take Scholastic this long to send the orders. Second, we do have library tomorrow. If your child forgets his/her book, he/she can bring it on Tuesday.

The students seemed to truly enjoy their first book fair. It was so cute to watch them browse through the books and narrow their decisions down to the final selection. It was definitely an exciting experience for them.

As always, we worked very hard again this week. We learned several new concepts. In math, we played a game called, "The Raft Game." This game taught the students about making exchanges or trading. To play the game, you need a large handful of beans, a die, and popsicle sticks. The first player rolls the die and takes the specified number of beans. When a player has five beans, he/she may exchange or trade those five beans for one popsicle stick. Once a player has five popsicle sticks, he/she may exchange or trade them for a raft. Play continues for a specified time period or someone has the most rafts. Also, we made a graph that describes our pets. We talked about the characteristics of the graph, which include the pet that people have the most, the pet that people have the least, etc. Finally, we learned about the purpose of the standard foot. We measured things with a paper strip that was the length of a child's shoe and my shoe. Then we talked about how the measurements were different. Then we measured the same object with a ruler and talked about how that measurement will always be the same. I must say that this is a tricky concept for the students to grasp. Despite this, they tried very hard to understand why a standard foot is necessary.

In reading, we had two focus lessons for Reader's Workshop. We talked about finding a "just right" book for our independent reading time. In order for a book to be "just right" it can't be too hard or too easy. For now we are focusing on finding books that are not too hard. If the child gets stuck on three words then the book is too hard. The child then needs to find another book. Starting on Monday the students will get to go book shopping in our classroom during our workstation time for five "just right" books. The students will book shop on their share day. We also reviewed the proper way to treat our class books. In addition to Reader's Workshop, we practiced reading skills during guided reading. We also practiced our sight words during Phonics and Word Study by playing High Frequency Word Lotto, which is the same as Bingo. Also, we wrote in our journals and practiced writing the letters I, T, and A in handwriting.

We finished learning about the five senses this week. We read several books about the five senses and played a game. During the game, the students had to feel an object that was hidden in a sock and guess what the object was. I placed a pencil, a crayon, a toy car, and a teddy bear counter in each sock. The students had a great time with this game. They are very good at figuring out what the objects were.


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