Wednesday, November 4, 2009

H1N1 Precautions

The H1N1 flu has been causing some concern, and I wanted to assure you that I am taking the necessary precautions to keep the students safe. I give the students a squirt of hand sanitizer before we have snack. Also, I monitor hand-washing after students have used the bathroom; and the use of hand sanitizer and/or hand washing after students blow noses, cough, and sneeze. In addition, I wipe the tables down with disinfecting wipes before the start of each class, after snack, and at the conclusion of each class. I spray all of the classroom materials, furniture, and equipment with disinfecting spray at the end of each school day. I will continue to follow the district's policy in regards to the H1N1 flu. If you need more information about H1N1, please review the letter that was sent home by the superintendent and visit the district's website.

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