Friday, November 13, 2009

Weekly Review

First, I sent a book order home today. Please do not feel obligated to purchase from this order, but if you do decide to make a purchase it is due by November 23, 2009. I've added this order to the online ordering system available through Scholastic, so you can submit the order online or send the paper form with payment back to school.

This week was a short week, but filled with fun activities. For math, we did more work with patterns and sorting. We practiced making and completing patterns with pattern blocks. We also sorted chips using numbered egg cartons. The students truly enjoyed this activity because they had a chance to pretend they were the teacher. For reading, we continued working on rhyming words and letter sounds. One activity that we completed was a rhyming word scavenger hunt. I listed a word on the easel, read it to the students, then listed several words that rhymed and words that did not rhyme. I called students to the easel to select a word that rhymed. We practiced sounding out the word to determine what the circled word was. For writing, we looked at the structure of a sentence, which includes starting with a capital letter, how many words were in the sentence, and that it can end with a period.
The students were also actively engaged in workstations this week. The workstations focused on letter sound recognition, number recognition, and counting with one-to-one correspondence. For ABC/Word Study, the students had to sort picture cards into two piles (a B pile and an M pile) using the beginning letter sounds for the pictures. For Math, the students had to recognize the number on an apple flash card and count the correct number of "seeds" for that apple. The students also practiced writing pumpkin words, building pumpkin words, and letter formation.
I will have pictures posted next week. Enjoy your weekend!

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