Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekly Review

This week we learned several new math and language arts concepts. For math, we practiced making patterns with sound, movement, and manipulatives. We used instruments to make patterns with sound, our bodies to make patterns with movement, and Unifix cubes to make patterns with colors. We also practiced sorting buttons and coins. The students were very creative in how they sorted the buttons and coins. Also, we played a number game called, "What Comes Next." To play this game, the students and I counted together using the numbers one through ten. I would stop counting and the selected student would have to say the number that came next. For language arts, we made a predictable chart describing what we are thankful for. I modeled for the students how to complete the sentence starter, "I am thankful for ..." Each student then had a turn to complete the sentence starter. Throughout the week, we practiced reading our chart. Also, we learned a song, "Did you ever see a ..." This song helped us practice identifying rhyming words because we inserted several pairs of rhyming words into the song. Additionally, we learned why words rhyme. The students and I identified the letters that were the same in both words and discussed how these letters created the same sounds, which makes the words rhyme. The song lyrics are listed below and it is sung to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it."
Did you ever see a ________ in a _________?
Did you ever see a ________ in a _________?
No, I never, never, never
No, I never, never, never
No, I never saw a ________ in a _________.
We sang the song with sheep in a jeep, a pig in a wig, and a fox in a box. I hope you enjoy singing this song with your student! Lastly, we talked about the letter X. The students and I created a list of words that start with X or end with X. I made a book for each student that has a labeled picture of a box, fox, and x-ray. The students are keeping these books in their book boxes and can read them during Library Workstation or after they have finished their snack.

We were busy working hard in our workstations too. We practiced matching capital and lowercase letters, practiced counting using one-to-one correspondence in regards to number identification, building apple words (helps with identifying one-to-one correspondence with letters and words), and practiced tracing our names and the letters F, E, D, P, M, N, K, and H.

The children truly enjoyed the ABC carnival! It was quite an exciting day for them on Friday.

Enjoy the pictures of our workstations and the ABC carnival!

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